How to hydrate your hair

In this section we want to give you tips on how to use the Myrakle Cocktail so you can get the best out of our products. The Myrakle Cocktail comes in a presentation of 500 cc, it is a product that can give you about 20 applications and is very versatile in its use.

The Myrakle Cocktail contains in one product two types of creams, a white cream based on shea butter and a colored cream that is our Myrakle Cream Ampoule. When using it, you should bear in mind that the cream works as a vitamin boost and white cream is the "medium" of these nutrients, and you can use it according to how you have your hair.

If your hair is badly damaged, dull and processed you should apply:

1 1/2 tablespoons of the white cream, and

1/2 tablespoon of the colored cream

If your hair requires normal hydration, you should apply:

1 ¾ tablespoon of the white cream, and

¼ tablespoon of the colored cream

We recommend that once you have the amount of cream to use, mix them in a separate container, that will allow you to be able to use the creams according to the needs of your hair.

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You have two options, choose the one that suits your times and what you have at home:

  1. You can make a warm hat, apply your normal shampoo, two or three applications, make it very clean and then apply the cocktail to all the hair, doing an oxygenation or milking massage You can help yourself with a detangling comb so that the product is evenly distributed. Put on a thermal cap, in case you do not have it, use an aluminum cap with a dryer for about 5 minutes, remove the cap, refresh the hair and then rinse and completely remove the product with cold water. For best results, apply the Myrakle Ampoule without rinsing and comb as usual.
  2. This option is ideal for when you have time and need a chine, wash your hair with normal or deep cleaning shampoo, two or three applications, then divide your hair into sections, with the help of a comb tipped and a dye brush, apply the cream mixture in each section, ensuring that the product is distributed throughout the hair, no matter if you touch the root. You put on a thermal cap and if you do not have it, use an aluminum cap with heat from a hair dryer. Let the cocktail work for 15 to 20 minutes, rinse the product completely with cold water. For best results, apply the Myrakle Ampoule without rinsing and comb as usual.

With this product, you can also perform other types of cauterizations, but we recommend asking your trusted stylist for it is a procedure that must be performed by a professional. Send us your results and become part of the hall of fame for hair recovered with Myrakle.